Some comments made by students
Some comments made by past and present students about Marjan’s singing lessons:
‘She has such an infectious amount of energy and enthusiasm which inspires me. That makes me look forward to the next lesson, even after 10 years!’
‘Many new insights into interpretation and experiencing text.’
‘Great info for pianists!’
‘After a lesson with her I always have new ideas and, especially, courage to carry on practising.’
‘Very concrete way of working; clear and directly applicable’
‘Singing is about balance. In her lessons, she finds a perfect balance between being a critical mirror, safety net, stimulator and protector. She also treats you as an individual and makes sure she approaches each student in a manner appropriate to them, as not everyone needs the same thing and she understands that.’
‘Makes things clear.’
‘She knows what a singer needs to grow and to become open.’
‘In the lessons, I experience a good balance between technique, naturalness and musicality.’
‘Critical and sharp, but always in a positive, constructive way.’
‘Really works from the possibilities she sees and hears.’
‘Laughing is permitted!’
‘I always feel ‘fixed’ when I have had a lesson.’
‘I sing repertoire now that I had never thought I would be able to sing.’
‘Perfect ears and hearing’